Reading Recommendation

Billion Dollar Loser (Reeves Wiedeman)

Unlocking the secrets of success: A robust business plan isn’t just a roadmap; it’s the foundation that turns ambitious dreams into sustainable reality. Dive into ‘Billion Dollar Loser’ to grasp why a sound business plan is the key to meeting valuations Whilst the book explores the rise and fall of WeWork...

That will never work (Marc Randolph)

More than just providing insights into the early days of Netflix and the challenges they faced, “That Will Never Work” by Marc Randolph offers valuable lessons on entrepreneurship and innovation. What stands out is the candid acknowledgment of the struggle founders...

The Culture Map

A must read when working on the internationalization strategy of your company - I advise this book to all my clients when we work on their international expansion and go-to-market strategy. Also an extremely useful tool for managers working in a multicultural context and / or teams....


As a trilingual business strategist & consultant with a proven track-record in international business, I provide strategic guidance to companies at all stages of, their growth.As a trilingual business strategist & consultant with a proven track-record in international business,...

Frist Blog

To post to WordPress by email, you must set up a secret email account with POP3 access. Any mail received at this address will be posted, so it’s a good idea to keep this address very secret. Here are three random strings you could use: a4sg0WXc, WY9TYO0c, ugrs8Oxh...
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